If you are looking for something fun to do while bringing in the New Year, become radioactive and activate any of the listed POTA parks (please follow park times and rules).
This is one of the few yearly POTA scheduled events and probably the easiest event certificate you can earn, all you need is a successful activation (10 or more contacts) in a listed POTA park following the rules stated in the POTA rules section.
It is very possible to contact another POTA park during your activation and earn both the hunter and activator certificates.
I will be going out on New Year’s Day, I hope to catch you on the bands.
If you have any questions or need any help, please reach out and I will do my best to assist in any way possible.
John, KK4JS 843-637-6901
Event starts at 0000 UTC and end 2359 UTC on the days listed:
New Year’s Week
First full week of the new year