With the HL Hunley event around the corner Glen WA4NMW, Da Judge KX4MI, and I KO4AFL decided we wanted to scout out the area we would be setup for the Hunley event. We decided to meetup out at the fort at 10am. Upon arrival we setup the activation table, the Judge’s ft-891 and wolf river coil. We found a clear frequency and put ourself on the POTA spotting page. Our setup location was just off Palmetto street and Poe Ave. Facing the cannons and the water. The wind was blocked by the fort and the local houses. The noise floor was great and in 45 minutes we each had 43 QSOs. We will be activating the N4HLH special event on Feb 17th 2022 from this same location. We have received a permit for 2 stations and would love to have everyone come out and activate with us.